Êêêùððööþþøøóò Òò Aeùññöö Blockin Blockinð Ëóðùøøóò Óó Øøø Áòúö×× Ë Blockin Blockinøøøööòò Èöóóððñ Ù××òò Ëëëëöððø Ööññ×
Regularization te hniques for the numeri al solution of nonlinear inverse s attering problems in two spa e dimensions are dis ussed. Assuming that the boundary of a s atterer is its most prominent feature, we exploit as model the lass of artoon-like fun tions. Sin e fun tions in this lass are asymptoti ally optimally sparsely approximated by shearlet frames, we onsider shearlets as a means for the regularization in a Tikhonov method. We examine both dire tly the nonlinear problem and a linearized problem obtained by the Born approximation te hnique. As problem lasses we study the a ousti inverse s attering problem and the ele tromagneti inverse s attering problem. We show that this approa h introdu es a sparse regularization for the nonlinear setting and we present a result des ribing the behavior of the lo al regularity of a s atterer under linearization, whi h shows that the linearization does not a e t the sparsity of the problem. The analyti al results are illustrated by numeri al examples for the a ousti inverse s attering problem that highlight the e e tiveness of this approa h.
منابع مشابه
Aeùññöö Blockin Blockinð Ëóðùøøóò Óó Ääööö Ë Blockin Blockinðð Ëøöù Blockinøùööö Èóðýòóñññð Óö Êêøøóòòð Òúðùù Èöóóððñ×
متن کامل
Ù××óò× Óó × Blockinööôøøóò Äóóó Blockin× Ööòþ Ö Òò Ö×øøò Äùøþ Äùùù Ìììóööøø Blockin Blockinð Óñôùøøö Ë Blockin Blockin Blockinò Êïìà Ò¸öññòý Blockinôø׸øøøò Óòò Ûóùðð Ù×ùùððý Óò××××ö Øøø Ùòòóò
متن کامل
Ìóûöö× Øøø Ààòòò Aeaeùññòò Óòòò Blockinøùöö Ù××òò ׳ Ññøøó Óö Ìööó× ¶ Ååøøøññøø Blockin Blockinð Áò×øøøùøø Óó Øøø Àùòòòöööò Ñý Óó Ë Blockin Ö´à Μ Ññü´öòò´à Μ ½ ¼µº Ö×ø Àóû×óò ℄ Ôöóú Øøøø À Ã × ¬òòøøðý Òòööøøø
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«ù××óòßëòòò× Í××òò Ëøøøø×øø Blockin Blockinð Ëëëô Ãòóûððððð Òòòð Ööññö׸öö×øóôô Ë Blockinòò Óöö¸âóó Blockinñ Ï Blockinöø¸òò Öö×øøøò Ë Blockinðððûðð Óñôùøøö Îî××óò¸ööôôô Blockin׸òò Èøøøöò Êê Blockinóóòòøøóò Öóùô Ôôöøññòø Óó Ååøøøññøø Blockin× Òò Óñôùøøö Ë Blockin Blockin Blockinò Íòòúö××øý Óó Ååòòòòòñ¸½¿½ Ååòòòòòñ¸öññòý
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